Per implantologia, si intende quella operazione che prevede l’inserimento di una vite in titanio in una zona dove non c’è più il dente, con l’obbiettivo di ottenere un elemento che sostituisca la vecchia radice del dente perso e su cui poter costruirci una corona in ceramica,oppure nelle situazioni più compromesse – as the total lack of teeth – to give back to the person the comfort and safety, also psychological, a set of teeth fixed to get back there where the only alternative would be a removable prosthesis (ie the classic dentures).
In order to dispel false beliefs or belief, it is good to know that the implant does not exist "rejections", how often we are asked by the patient, but there are but three important factors that are the basis of the final success of an implant intervention, limited or extended that both, from which no one ignores:
a) A correct and in-depth study by the operator of the area where the implant is to be inserted.
b) Proper execution of the prosthesis especially regarding the functional aspect.
c) Careful and consistent daily home care by the patient, more than a periodic check in the study, not only to ascertain the state of health of the tissues surrounding the implant, but also of the rest of the mouth.
Today's implants has achieved truly remarkable technical levels, and despite being present on the market, more than one hundred brands of plants (with costs and with different specifications), the value and the average quality of this product is really very high and absolute safety, for the best final result which rightly requires the patient, provided that they comply with the rules described above.

Dental implants
Implantology deals with the replacement of dental elements already compromised or missing, with titanium implants. The plants of more recent design have generally a more or less cylindrical shape with the coils that have the purpose of increasing the primary retention. A healing that happened (osseointegration process) you can stay in the system (invisible in the mouth) an abutment which is used as support for the prosthesis or to the removable prosthesis (contributing to its stability).