Nationality : Italian
Dato of birth: 26/12/1966
Marital status:_Single
Residence: V. Panisperna n°235 Rome Italy

Phone: +39-3383067792
Languages: Italian English French


  • medical doctor specialized in anesthesia and intensive care (since 2001)
  • Graduate in medicina e chirurgia at “Sapienza University of Rome” (1994)
  • Consultant (Dirigente Medico) at Policlinico Umberto I Roma (since 2002)
  • Fellowship in management of acute and chronic pain
  • Fellowship in invasive treatment of pain syndrome
  • Fellowship in diagnosis and treatment of cancer pain
  • Registered to Italian society of anaesthesia and intensive care SIAARTI
  • Author of about 40 international publications available on pubmed
  • Main professional interests: anaesthesia in major urologic and gynaecological surgery; pharmacological and invasive treatments of acute and chronic pain; intensive care; anaesthesia for ENT surgery