Dr.. Francesco Capuano

CAPUANO FRANCESCO VIA DEL PARCO MARGHERITA 24, 80121, NAPLES 3332592281 81422343 ITALIAN nationality Date of birth 18-11-1986 WORK EXPERIENCE Date (from April 2019 - till today ) • CLINIC Villa Mafalda, VIA MONTE OF JOY 5, ROME • SANITARY, COOPERATION, FREE TRAINING, ENT MEDICINE DOCTOR • Dates (from March 2019 - till today ) • POLYCLINIC […]

Dr. Isolde Musy

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Maidan Residence: Rome, Italy Languages: Italian, mother tongue Languages: English Date of birth: 23 February 1988 Mobile phone: +39.349.8523616 E - Mail: isotta.musy@gmail.com Facebook Page: Isotta Musy ENT Roma Care & Research Organization Google: www.orlroma.net Profile: dr.ssa Isotta Musy, Otorinolaringoiatra Performing surgery at the Clinic: ▪ Villa Salaria, Roma ▪ clinic […]

Prof. Mohsen Ibrahim

BORN: August 10, 1975; Akkari, Lebanon Lebanese, Italian CITIZENSHIP: Lebanese, Italian ADDRESS: (Office) Department of Medical-Surgical Science and Translational Medicine, Division of Thoracic Surgery,"Sapienza" University of Rome Street of Rome Grottarossa1035,00189, Italy Department of Surgery, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery Washington University School of Medicine 4940 Parkview Place CSRB 3316, Campus Box 8234 St. Louis, 63110MO, USA […]

Dr.. James Lash

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Married Residence: Rome, Italy Phone: +39.333.5219616 Languages: Italian, mother tongue Languages: English Date of birth: 8 August 1985 Email: orl.roma@tiscali.it Facebook: James Lashes LinkedIn: Dr. James Lash Google: Dr. James Lash, Otolaryngology ENT Roma Care & Research Organization ➢ Italian Surgeon Specialized in otolaryngology head and neck pathology, since 2016 ➢ In […]

Dr.ssa Valeria Frari

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Maiden Residence: Rome, Italy Mobile phone: +39.338.8002700 Facebook Page: Valeria Frari LinkedIn: dr.ssa Valeria Frari Google: dottoressa Valeria Frari, Otorinolaringoiatra Languages: Italian, mother tongue Languages: English Date of birth: 12 February 1986 E - Mail: frari.orl@gmaili.com EDUCATION and TRAINING In 2017, Specialist in ENT at University of Rome ” Campus Bio-Medico“, […]

Dr.. Simone Alessi

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Bachelor Residence: Rome, Italy Via F. Schupfer 93 Mobile phone: +39.3398329875 Official site: http://www.simonealessi.com Languages: Italian, native language Other languages: English,Spanish Date of birth: 01 May 1983 E - Mail: dottoralessi@gmail.com Profile: Education and training: From 06/2011 to 06/2016 University of Rome La Sapienza school of Medicine M.D. From 06/2011 to […]

Dr.. Antonino Incammisa

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Married Residence: Rome, Italy Mobile phone: +39.328.3628138 Facebook Page: Antonino Incammisa LinkedIn: dr Antonino Incammisa Google: dottor Antonino Incammisa, Otorinolaringoiatra Languages: Italian, mother tongue, English Date of birth: 13 May 1983 E - Mail: incammisa.orl@gmail.com Profile: ➢ Italian Surgeon Specialized in otolaryngology head and neck pathology, since 2014 ➢ In 2017, […]

Federica Rota

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Married Residence: Via Bergamo, 32 – Rome, Italy Phone: +39-339.15.65.344 Languages: Italian, English Date of Birth: 09 July 1981 E-mail: federota@libero.it Profile: Medical Doctor specialized in Allergy & Clinical Immunology. Registered in the Register of Physicians and Surgeons of the Professional Order of Rome. Education: 2007-2011 _Fellowship – Allergy & Clinical […]

Dr Ursula Moresi

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: Married Residence: Rome, Italy Mobile phone: +39.335.6100124 Facebook Page: Ursula Moresi LinkedIn: Ursula Moresi Languages: Italian, English Date of birth: 03/01/1968 E - Mail: moresi.ursula@tiscali.it ORL Roma Care & Research Organization Profile: Italian Speech Therapist Based in Rome, since 1996 1996 Specializated as Speech Therapist at University of Rome ” La […]

Dr.. Andrea Trovè

Nationality: Italian Marital Status: married Residence: Rome, Italy Languages: Italian, mother tongue Languages: English very good Date of birth: 08.31.1974 Hobbies: father of 4 sons Contacts: +39 393 5712791 andreatrove@yahoo.it Profile: Italian M.D. specialized in Respiratory Medicine since September 2004 Based in Rome (San Carlo Hospital) in Emergency Department and Medicine Department since November 2006 […]