Nationality: Italian

Marital Status: Married

Residence: Rome, Italy

Phone: +39.333.5219616

Languages: Italian, mother tongue

Languages: English

Date of birth: 8 August 1985


Facebook: Giacomo Ciglia

LinkedIn: dr Giacomo Ciglia

Google: dr Giacomo Ciglia, Otorinolaringoiatria

ORL Roma Care & Research Organization

  • ➢  Italian Surgeon Specialized in otolaryngology head and neck pathology, since 2016
  • ➢  In 2012, Croatian International Rhinosurgical advanced School, Director prof. Ranko Mladina
  • ➢  From July 2018 ENT Consultant for ORL Roma Care & Research Organization, Chief dott. Giovanni Mancini
  • ➢  From May 2017 ENT Consultant for “San Giovanni Calibita” Hospital – Fatebenefratelli, Isola Tiberina – Rome, Director dott. Marco Radici
  • ➢  From August 2016 Consultant for “Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi” centro S. Maria della Pace
  • ➢  In 2016, Specialist in ENT at University of Rome ” Campus Bio-Medico“, School of Medicine, Director prof. Fabrizio Salvinelli
  • ➢  From May 2016 International Course “FEES: Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing” Director prof. Daniele Farneti
  • ➢  In 2010, Degree in Medicine at University of Rome “Campus Bio-Medico”
  • ➢  From August 2016 to May 2017 Consultant for “Ospedale Cristo Re” Chief Prof. Luigi Raimondo D’Ottavi

Published Articles: http:/

➢ From 2010 performed aprroximately 450 surgeries about ENT disease

FOCUS: Swallowing disorders diagnosis treatment; Endoscopic Sinus Surgery; Sleep Apnea Syndrome Treatment;

Oncology disease research in ENT.

  • ➢  Since July 2018 on going , Member of ORL Roma Care & Reseach Organization, It ‘s a virtual clinic, where a group of doctors has chosen themselves, sharing the same ethical and moral thinking, chose their partner, maintaining their freedom of action, but provides its own profession for people in need.
  • ➢  Associate of SIO e ChCf